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Work Samples:
Princeton Ph.D. in Music Composition

I have chosen to submit two work samples, with one of them comprising eight short pieces. I believe these compositions best showcase my current abilities and style. I understand that you review numerous applications and may not have time to go through an extensive portfolio.

To Fly

Within these eight improvised pieces lies the embodiment of a primal childhood dream - the ability to fly. Each piece articulates a distinct moment and emotion within the dream, woven into a narrative about overcoming human limits, allowing our souls to soar freely. The pieces unfold through free improvisation, guided by the descriptions, concepts, and instructions outlined below. My intention is that the committee listen to the beginning of the pieces, in the order presented, to get a sense of the progression of the work and of the piece in its entirety.

Please download the score at the button below.

To Fly (Live Performance)

To Fly (Live Performance)

To Fly (Live Performance)
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TO FLY - Live Performance (Part 1/8)

TO FLY - Live Performance (Part 1/8)

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TO FLY - Live Performance (Part 2/8)

TO FLY - Live Performance (Part 2/8)

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TO FLY - Live Performance (Part 3/8)

TO FLY - Live Performance (Part 3/8)

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Chacarera 3

"Chacarera 3" is a track from my upcoming album, which I recorded with my ensemble. The term "chacarera" denotes a style of Argentine folk music. As the album has not been released, this is a preliminary mix.

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